If you are new to the faith, please allow me to welcome you into the family of God. You have made one of the most important decisions of your life, but it has changed your eternity. Although you feel the same on the outside, your inside has been changed by the power of forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ the son of God. If you are returning to the ways of God, we are glad in the same way, welcome once again.

Baptism in Water
Perhaps you were baptized as a child at the wish of your parents at an early age or perhaps you have never known about it because it is important to be baptized. The Bible teaches us that baptism is a voluntary act of obedience to bear witness to the world of our new life in Christ, renouncing sin to live in a new life. When you were a child, you and I had no knowledge of what was sin and what was not. That is why this step is important for you now, because you have made the decision to follow Jesus and now you can also give visible testimony and of your own free will, about your decision to follow Jesus. We have prepared a completely free course so that you can know your new purpose and responsibilities as a child of God and be ready for this important step.

If you agree to follow Jesus at one of our events or meetings, you may already know where there is a church. We invite you not to stop congregating in order to continue your spiritual growth. You need a spiritual leader (a mentor) to guide and help you and a group of people by your side to accompany you on your new Christian walk. Life in Christ is a life better lived in community with people with the same goals, dreams and purposes. If you need help finding a church, please call or write us so we can help you. If you want to know more about God, see our discipleship section for more spiritual growth material.

Read your Bible
The Bible is the word of God. Does not contain references to God, is the word of God that does not fail and does not change. In it you can find salvation, healing and spiritual health. Having been attuned to negative voices and sin before meeting Jesus, it is important now to learn to listen to God's voice, a voice of peace, love and forgiveness. We invite you to create a daily habit of reading the Bible to achieve this purpose. This will help you walk close to God and know his purposes for your life. We recommend that you start slowly but steadily in reading God's word. The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are a good place to start, as are the Book of Romans and the Book of Psalms. If you don't have a Bible, please contact us so we can give you one as a gift or visit a versiondigital of the bible either through your computer or aapplicationon your mobile device.
Once again, welcome and we look forward to walking with you on your new journey of faith. We hope to always grow together and day by day learn more about God!